Sunday, February 8, 2009

1 Movie a Day

Doomsday (2008)

British step-child of Escape From New York and Mad Max. Surprisingly gory in unnecessary ways, but Rhona Mitra makes a sexy Snake Plissken wannabe. Also, proof once again that mankind will self-destruct and resort to cannibalism at the first sign of trouble.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

1 Movie a Day

Taken (2008)

Ridiculous. Hair dye cannot make Liam Neeson superhuman.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Sidewalk

Wide and long, disappearing into the horizon
Leading nowhere but attractive and irresistibly walkable
Piles of goods and wares all in the way
Pipes, boat oars, mountains of perfectly chopped firewood
Acres of things that don't belong on a sidewalk

Start hopping and climbing, trying to move forward
Surrounded by tattered clothing and large collections of magazines
Seeing no end to the infinitely cluttered pavement

Pause to breathe and summon fortitude

At my feet rests an old Aerosmith cassette
It's Permanent Vacation, the one with "Dude Looks Like a Lady"
Pick it up to take on the treacherous journey waiting
There's gotta be a Walkman in this mess somewhere