Monday, February 22, 2010


After some years with few worthwhile exchanges
I pick up the phone to call my unknown origin

A small and half-ass attempt at resuscitating
The lifeless body of a fragile past

Little surprise, no one answers
Giving me pause and admitted slight relief since

My words are strenuously precious to me so
I don't want to waste any more of them

As further bricks and mortar on
The foundation of an already broken home

Search Party

Setting out for parts unknown with
old gray pack upon my sinking spine,
new gray hair bristling on my weathered face

I'll slice the wind with a hopeful blade,
keep a gust to cool my temperament
and laugh at barking masses hurling ill-formed insults

I'll build a ladder from bones of fallen
since the Mind's perspective is much clearer
after climbing to enlightened peaks

Please send your kiss on burning flares
high into distant skyline and always stoke
deep desire that keeps you warm inside and waiting

I found you once in hollow, wounded shells
of something lesser so I vow steadfastness
'til I hear your cherished heartbeat once again

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Path of Chao Ping

A pond
Stones poking up
From beneath the water
In geometric patterns
At the center a large boulder
Atop which sits a panda
Whose head is aflame
He raises his eyes to me
Bares his teeth and says