Monday, June 8, 2009

Youth Decay

James slowly opened his bedroom door. He stood amazed and terrified as he witnessed a small man on his bed tossing around his freshly laundered and neatly folded t-shirts and underwear. The small man resembled a standard-issue garden gnome, complete with white beard and pointy red hat. Laughing like a jackal and with a crazed look in his eyes, the small man bounced furiously on the bed, whipping boxers and briefs like an all-star. James was quite surprised to see such an unnerving scene, especially in the place where he slept. Nightmares were sure to follow.

After taking a second to catch his breath, James closed the door. He wouldn't return to the room until his mother came home, where she discovered the aftermath of the small man's eruption. She of course thought James' story was bullshit, and blamed him for the clothing disaster. James grew sad.

And somewhere, the small man is still laughing.

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